Vinha do Vouga is confirmed in foal to Saphiro!

Posted on Jul 6, 2013 in News, Vinha



We are excited to announce that after over a year of reproductive work Vinha is now confirmed well in foal to Saphiro! It’s been a long haul and we will wait with baited breath for the arrival of this very special Lusitano. Spring can’t come soon enough and this golden girl or boy is expected in April of 2014. Vinha is the only mare we bred this year as we continue to scale back on our breeding to focus more on our client services and own performance horses.

Vinha lunging

Vinha do Vouga

Fingers, toes, and hooves crossed for an uneventful pregnancy. Our 2014 foal is pictured here at the 15 day check but has subsequently checked multiple times, we decided to wait for her recent confirmation at 60 days to make the “official” announcement!

Saphiro - Cremello Lusitano Stallion
